
Click the buttons below to complete our online forms. If you have any questions or problems, call us on 0191 375 8536 or email us at

Adoption Enquiry Form

For anyone interested in adopting cats or kittens. This form acts as a waiting list and helps us to home cats and kittens quicker.

Fostering Enquiry Form

For anyone interested in fostering. This form helps us to create a pipeline of foster homes as we’re always in need of them.

Gift Aid Form

For any UK tax payer who has made a donation to us. This form helps us to claim an extra 25% on donations from the government.

Adoption Form

For those who adopt cats or kittens from us. It’s important we have a record of our adoptions to keep track and be able to check in if needed.

Fostering Agreement

For those who become a foster home for us. It’s important we have an agreement in place so that we’re on the same page.

Acceptance Form

For those who put cats and kittens into our care. It’s important we have written permission from the previous owner or their next of kin.

Interested in adopting?

Tell us more about you and the kind of cat you hope to fall in love with. We’ll be in touch as soon as we’ve found you a purrfect match ?